Sunday, November 23, 2008

Reflections on Psalm 103

Psalm 103:12 "as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Sometimes as I sit in church on any given Sunday the message seems to be all around me. But, today, the message was through me. Surrounding me. Enveloping me in the arms of the one who died to save my soul. The thought of Christ nailed to that cross, dying an agonizing death for me brought tears to my eyes and caused gratitude to well up within me.

Perhaps it is because of late I have been feeling really lonely. I don't know. But, somehow this passage renewed in me the realization that I cannot count on human love to meet my need. My failures in human relationship have worn me down. I feel at times incapable of knowing what a healthy relationship even looks like.

I have spent way too much effort on "fixing things". I have been reminded of that recently. I have tried to protect those that I love from making mistakes. I have at times robbed my children of the freedom that they need to become adults. Why is that? Is it because I see myself as responsible for their choices when in fact, they are no different than I - they must choose for themselves.

Rather than focusing though on the negatives, I was reminded this morning of how much we give up peace and strength when we are not grateful, when we do not count our blessings. As I focus my attention on bringing honor to God it will become less and less important to me how I am perceived. It is after all about Him. Not me.

As I learned this morning from this psalm David reminded us that it all starts with a fear of God. Three times he mentions this. "For as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is His love for them that fear him." and "As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear him" and finally, "But from everlasting to everlasting the LORD's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children".

Our fear of God, fear of the justice of God, fear of His righteousness, fear of Who He is should cause us to humbly call out to Him in gratitude for the cross. His love is so great, his compassion is all encompassing and His love is everlasting. What more is there? Praise God for His compassion that met me where I am. Praise God for His love that does not fail and lifts my sagging spirit. Praise Him that my sin has been removed as far as the east is from the west. The cross. The blessed cross. How great is that forgiveness.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

It's All Just a Vapor

Jeremiah 15:13 "Your wealth and your treasures I will give as plunder, without charge, because of all your sins throughout your country."

Like many, these turbulent times that we live in makes me wonder just how much of what I have worked hard to save will be left. It has become a sickening thing to look at any investments that our family has because with each passing day it seems as though there is less and less there. How sad I feel for those who are nearing retirement only to discover that what they had counted on - is gone. Like a vapor.

Yet, this ought not to surprise those of us who believe the Word of God to be true. Time and time throughout the scripture God has warned against spending that which you do not have, being a borrower, seeking the treasures of this kingdom rather than the kingdom of heaven. Yet, we all go around downcast because what we thought was a sure thing - isn't quite so sure.

Just where is my heart now - in the midst of all this chaos? Am I wallowing in worry, wondering what I will have when I retire? Really, where does it ever talk about retirement in Scripture? Did Paul retire? Did he plan to rest on his laurels when he reached the ripe old age of 65? Some how I doubt it. He was a pretty big proponent of that "if you don't work you don't eat" theory. What exactly am I looking forward to? Is it just sitting around, doing nothing? Or am I looking for ways to be freed up so that I can serve God in a more full-time capacity?

Then I stop and think about that. How can I even contemplate serving God full-time when I am not all that faithful about serving Him part-time. I mean, after all aren't we supposed to be serving Him with our lives day in and day out in the capacity that we are in? Oh I have so many questions about my motivation for doing things. What is the underlying reason for what I do? Is it for my own ease or am I looking for ways to share and to help those that are less fortunate than myself. What exactly am I working toward?

I long to be right minded. I long to really get serious with my relationship with God and to put away the worries about things that really do not matter. There is no guarantee that anything that we have saved for from a financial sense will be there when we go to use it. In the meantime, we ought to be more frugal in the ways that we live so that we can have an open hand to help others. After all - how many coats do I need? How many pair of jeans can you wear? How many houses can you live in? How many? How many?

Father, forgive my selfish heart. Forgive me for looking at the government or the financial industry as a source of security. Until I realize that all that I have comes from you I will continue to be affected by the vapor that is our bank balance.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What Treasure Will There Be?

Isaiah 39:8 "The word of the LORD you have spoken is good," Hezekiah replied. For he thought, "There will be peace and security in my lifetime."

In this chapter of Isaiah, Hezekiah is revelling in his extended life. God granted him 15 additional years of life following a grave illness. Rather than purposing to put that time to good use for God and His kingdom, Hezekiah chose to proudly display all the riches of his kingdom to rulers around him. Basically, he exposed everything that was precious to the prying eyes of those who would later seek to take it all away.

When Isaiah came to warn Hezekiah that what he had done was foolish, Hezekiah basically responded with little regard for the future. He was only concerned with what affected him - the here and now. I can almost hear him now saying, "Well, at least it will be good and safe while I am alive - let the others deal with what comes in the future."

How like that I can be. Concerned with the here and now rather than thinking about what treasures I have exposed to those who would rob my children, my grandchildren and those who come after me. Oh I am not necessarily talking about treasures such as the world seeks, such as money and property. I am talking about the treasures of walking humbly before God, of living a life of integrity, of following hard after truth. All of those treasures I have consistently over time allowed others to steal away from me. I have not guarded my treasure. Nor have I really thought long and hard about what the future may be because of those choices.

I do believe that God intends for us to live in the here and now. I know that we cannot foresee what challenges and trials face us in the future. But, I do believe that God intends us to protect that which we pass down to our children against the thieves that seek to steal what is not theirs. And when we purposely expose our treasures and actually bring the enemy into our homes we risk losing everything.

We need to protect those that we love from the onslaught of the enemies around us. Wisdom says that we make choices that are pleasing to God and not to men. We do not look for ways to impress others with what we have been blessed with. We seek ways to serve our God in the here and now and yet keep a watchful eye that we do not give the enemy any foothold that would allow them to carry away our treasure.

I pray that God would forgive me for being too much like Hezekiah.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Morning After

1 Corinthians 13:12 "Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."

Yes, it is the morning after. For some this is a morning of great jubilation and for others it is a day of sadness. For me it is a day of realization. I realize that I have put way too much energy into this temporary world. Way too much effort in things that are just going to fade away and don't really matter. Stopping to think about this reminds me of 1976 when my very first election did not go the way that I had hoped. Did the world stop turning? Did the sun not rise the next day? Was God taken by surprise?

All politics aside what truly matters is who we reflect. I do not want to be simply known as a democrat or a republican or whatever other political party there may be. I want to known as a Christian. And what does that mean? Really? We are called to be Christ-like. To take on the qualities of our glorious Savior and to become a reflection of who He is in us. Right now, as the verse above says we see a poor reflection but there will come a day where we will see a pure reflection.

This morning as I read Hebrews 2 it spoke of the fact that Christ took on our humanity so that He could understand our suffering. And in so doing he was a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God. He was merciful and He was faithful. Two characteristics that I long to have. To be merciful as Christ was merciful and to be faithful as He is faithful. I want to look beyond myself and what is good for me to what is good for others. I want to reach the point where there is only the reflection of Jesus I see - not a shadow of Carol. And this could and probably will involve suffering. Can I face that?

Our country stands at a great crossroad. Only time will tell what the decision of the people meant. But, I do trust that God is not surprised by this outcome nor is He shaken by it. I do trust that in His sovereignty He rules and reigns. Scripture says that He raises up who He wills to be in human government. Rulers have come and gone and God is still on His throne. Praise be to God.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Elections and the Future

Proverbs 19:21 "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails."

It has been an interesting few days. Everywhere you go and whoever you talk to - the conversation revolves around the election today. I find myself musing about it more than I probably have in past elections, perhaps because I believe that so much is at stake.

Last night in fact I was unable to sleep. I kept going over and over again some of the things that I have heard or read and wondered how in the world we ever got to this point in our society. I have grown weary of the rhetoric flying from both camps espousing the positive points of their candidate and pointing to the negatives of their opponent. It made me wonder what it was like in elections prior to the advent of the information age.

While I believe in the importance of voting I have found that as I reflect on the two candidates that are running for the office of president that I am glad that God is ultimately my authority. As the verse from Proverbs states God's purpose will prevail.

I have come to the conclusion that for me - it is no longer God and country. For me, it is just God. He is my King. My future does not lie in what happens between Obama and McCain. They are only temporary leaders. They are like me - just dust - just grass that fades away. But, my God, my King is eternal. His purposes will not be thwarted. Even if my candidate does not win - it really does not matter. Ultimately, the choice was fore-ordained before the foundation of the world. It gives me peace knowing that.

This kingdom will pass away. In four more years if the Lord tarries there will be yet another campaign and another election. God willing our country will continue to be the land of the free where we can vote for the candidate of our choice. Ultimately, I believe that unless the hearts of our people become humble before God and realize that all of the blessings we have so freely enjoyed come from Him we will eventually become just as many of the famous societies of history.

God grant our leaders the wisdom to see Him. And God grant our people the compassion to see beyond ourselves to a world that hungers and thirsts for that which we take so for granted.