"But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world." I John 4:4
Some days I just don't feel like a winner. I feel beaten up and weary by the continual pummeling of the media all around me. Someone says this, someone says that. Who knows what is right. We try and base our decisions on facts - but what are the facts? Who do we trust?
Many have chosen to "unplug" from the deluge of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tiktok posts. And to be truthful, I have been tempted to do the same. But, I would miss all the good that I glean from them I guess. In all of it one thing I have determined is - I don't have to join in the chaos.
Ultimately, what we are seeing pushed out as facts often are nothing more than someone else's opinion. Or, it is someone interpreting what someone else said or wrote. It is like the old game of gossip. Just line up 10 people in a row sometime and whisper a sentence in their ear and see if it is anywhere close to what you said by the time it reaches the end of the line! People can spin anything to make statements say what they want it to say. And we have to be wise enough to determine its validity.
When I read these things I have to control the urge to put my thoughts out there. Then I think "I don't have to join in the chaos." My opinion is exactly that - my opinion. And honestly, who cares? The people who know my heart would understand. They would understand that my intent is never to bring harm but to foster kindness. But those who don't know me might misinterpret my intentions. And so I remain quiet.
I truly believe that the evil we are seeing in this period of our history is nothing more than the plotting of the evil one who seeks to destroy. His plot has been going on since the beginning of time when he sought to be equal with God. Yet, I know that he will never have the victory. Jesus came to overcome and He will be the ultimate victor! I trust in Him and I do not have to put my trust in men or women who may or may not have my best in mind. I also do not need to add to any of the chaos that Satan has put out on the world stage for all to see. I can simply be obedient to what I know God has called me to be. Be kind, be loving, be patient, be generous, be peaceful, be good, be faithful, be gentle, be self-controlled. If I focus on that - there is little time to be involved in the chaos!
He Who Began
1 year ago