Over the past couple of weeks I have heard an old Christmas carol that rarely gets sung any more. And today while I was out walking I heard the carillon from one of our town's churches ring out the melody to "I Wonder as I Wander". Seemed like God was prompting me to think about the words.
As I meandered my way home I left a trail of tracks in the freshly fallen snow. Those tracks soon to be a passing memory of the time I walked this road, hidden by the continually falling snow. This is a picture of our lives. We leave a trail for those who follow behind us but it is soon erased by the passage of time. In the meanwhile, what memory do we leave those who follow us? Are we pointing them to Christ by our actions, do we show the light that we have within us? Or are we absorbed by the darkness that we live in?
It has been very easy this year to fall prey to the discouragement of the health situation, political chaos, and personal issues that continue to beat us all down. But then I stop in the quietness of the day and think about the real meaning of Christmas and it gives me heart to press on. We can find our comfort in the fact that Jesus came to bring the light out of the darkness. He came to save ornery people like you and like I. And I wonder as I wander what paths He would have me take in the days that I have to live. I want to lead others to the peace that comes from knowing that Emmanuel is with us. Always with us.
He came, surrendering His Kingly throne to be born in a humble stable. Why? Because He loves us! And so I wonder as I wander how to love Him more deeply, more earnestly.
"I wonder as I wander, out under the sky
How Jesus the Savior, did come for to die
For poor orn'ry people like you and like I
I wonder as I wander, out under the sky
When Mary birthed Jesus, t'was in a cow stall
With wise men and farmers and shepherds and all
And high from God's heaven a starlight did fall
And the promise of ages, it then did recall
If Jesus had wanted for any wee thing
A star in the sky or a bird on the wing
Or all of gods angels in heaven to sing
He surely could've had it, 'cause he was the king"