For several days now we have been in an anxious world. For some it has been longer than that. And as we look out into this uncertain future I wondered if I even had anything worth saying to add to all the frantic posts, angry news articles and tweets. So maybe this is just for myself that I write. Or maybe it might be an encouragement to some of my family and friends.
I am an anxious person. There - I admitted it. I think I inherited worry from my sweet mom. She was the queen of worry. But, she also was the queen of prayer. Some may say that the two are diametrically opposite things and I suppose she would have even admitted that. I think that mom wanted so badly to have everybody safe, healthy and happy that she fussed when they weren't. Then she would turn to the One who was able to keep us, to provide for our needs and to ultimately save us from ourselves. I am trying to become more like that.
I hate all of the angst caused by political things that do nothing to encourage our people. I hate that health care workers worldwide are being stretched thin and working in conditions that are beyond my imagination. I hate that people I care about have lost jobs and the financial resources to care for their families. I hate that children are cooped up in homes where they are not cared for. But, most of all I hate that we turn against one another when what we should be doing is pulling together and contritely asking God for His grace in this difficult time.
I have focused a good bit in the last couple days on an old hymn from my childhood. "In times like these you need a Savior. In times like these you need an anchor; Be very sure, be very sure your anchor holds and grips the Solid Rock!" I find hope in those words. The solid rock is Jesus! He is the one. And I can rest in the fact that He is not taken by surprise by any of what has taken place. And He will hold onto me during these days of anxiety and restlessness. And what can I do? I can trust in Him. I can delight in Him. I can find my hope in Him. He never changes and He never slumbers or sleeps. I can be kind. I can hold my tongue when what I have to say does nothing to encourage others. And I can look for ways to help those around me who are struggling.
And as my sweet mom would so often say, "Carol, this too shall pass!" And she was right!
He Who Began
1 year ago
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