You know sometimes it would really be nice if God had a human hand there to help pull us up over the bumps in the road. Haven't you ever had those moments where you just feel yourself sliding backwards and you reach out and it feels as though no one is there? I sure have. And now and then I have to admit I get frustrated.
God at times seems so far away. Yet, I know that in the realities of life He is using these bumps in my life to help me to grow. After all if there were no trials, if life were all pie in the sky would I even reach out for Him? There are times though where it sure would feel nice if God had some "skin".
I feel really alone at times. There are situations that I have no one to run to who can really hear my heart. And when I pray sometimes I wonder if God is even really listening. Where is that coming from? Obviously, Satan wants to continue to plant seeds of doubt into my mind and to keep me from reaching out for the Invisible one.
Romans 8 has been a favorite resource of mine over the years. And especially now as I have an extremely difficult family situation to deal with. I know that in the past I have tried to always be the one to fix things. If only I worked harder or if I could persuade someone to do something my way it would work out. Yet, I am learning that God wants me to trust in Him. Completely. Not to wallow in the past where all the disappointment and heartache is but to truly rest in His sovereign will knowing that He has my best, our best at heart all the time. I can be a conquerer. But it is only as I put my complete faith and trust in Him and to reach out and grab ahold of His hand. Yes, I really need a hand. I need the hand of the one who has continually been there to guide, to forgive, to admonish and to love. Now I will simply put my hand in His and walk.
Romans 8:37-39: But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 comment:
"As they went out, they came upon a man from Cyrene named Simon; they compelled this man to carry his cross."
—Matthew 27:32
"There is always someone to help us carry our cross, whatever that cross may be. Even when we are alone, feeling shut out from the world and the heart of other human beings. Even when it feels as if all light has been obliterated and despair has crept into the sinews of our body. Even when it seems as if even God has forgotten and abandoned us. Always someone will help us carry our cross."
I read this as I was praying this morning and realized that many times we do need a "hand" and someone to carry with us the burdens that we bare. I have been reflecting upon the cross and the significance of the meaning of "take up your cross and follow me" and many times it is a secluded journey of a few who travel with you. I thank God for those who are willing and His unfailing love towards us.
Prayers and love,
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