Sunday, March 16, 2008

Stand still and look until you really see

Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest! Loud the crowd sang as the man from Galilee entered Jerusalem on the back of a borrowed donkey. Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest! Loud the crowds sang in churches around the globe as we celebrate the entrance of our Lord and Savior. We sing joyfully with great jubilation the triumph of the King of Kings. We wave our fronds symbolically to commemorate what took place so many years ago.

But, as I watched and participated in the often repeated symbolism I stopped to think about what it was they were celebrating and what I was celebrating today.

Our pastor used as his introduction to his message the quotation I used for the title of this post. "Stand still and look until you really see." And as I listened, reflected, sang and prayed I thought how often have I really done that. How often did those villagers on the road to Jerusalem stop to really look at who Jesus was. How often have I?

What must it have been like to have walked with Jesus? To have heard the sound of His voice as He taught His disciples and followers? What would it have been like to have felt His gaze upon you, as Peter did? Did they see Him or did they only see what they thought they could gain by knowing Him? If they really saw Jesus for who He said that He was and heard Him wouldn't they have stood by Him as He later hung on the cross of Calvary, bearing their sin and judgment upon Himself? Instead, they turned into the jeering crowd that condemned Him to His fate.

Lest I sound as though I am judging them harshly I look at my own life. Have I stopped and really seen Jesus for Who He is not just for what I could gain from knowing Him? Am I really ready to stand by Him as crucified with Him? Am I willing to follow Him to the death if necessary? Am I truly willing to stand still and see? What if it costs me everything?

Lord Jesus, the pain of knowing I have been as the crowd in Jerusalem sears my heart today. I know that I too have longed for what You could do for me - answered prayers - ease of life - health restored. And I have been disappointed, even angry at the times when You chose not to answer as I asked. I pray that I would stand still and look until I really see You for Who you are. And that I might be an imitator of You. I pray that I can join You in Your suffering. I pray that I can see Your people as You see them and that my heart would be broken as Yours is broken when I see the pain of those who do not know You. Teach me to see more and to speak less. Teach me to stand still more and be moving less. How I pray that I will follow You as You lead and no longer turn to the right or the left. You are my God and I will forever praise You.

Hosanna, Hosanna in the Highest! Crown Him with many Crowns! Hosanna Yeshua!

1 comment:

Becky said...

I think its hard to stand in the stillness long enough to really see. We love to fill in that blank, don't we?
Do we see him or what we think we can gain? (Great question.)
If we are honest, I think we see both. But the path of the cross is to submit our desires to Him. And follow--hoping He fulfills them, but willing to give them up.
I think it is the hope Jesus modeled. He died for us--hoping we would turn to Him--but He died for us whether we turn or not.