Saturday, June 07, 2008

Never Underestimate the Voice of God

In recent months I have been trying to listen more closely to what I now know is the Spirit of God as He speaks to me. It is all about listening prayer. Pray and expect to hear - listen for what God is telling me - obey and trust. So it should not come as any surprise what happened just recently.

My son, Geoff is turning 23 on the 10th of June. Last weekend we were going to celebrate his birthday because he and his wife, Bethany would be gone on vacation over the actual day. Dave and I had decided that we would give him money because of the high cost of gas to help defray the cost of the trip. But, I have never been a big fan of the money or gift certificate kind of gift. It just seems so impersonal.

So, I was getting ready for the party and for some reason I spied the Bible that my mom had given to me right after my dad died. This was his last Bible that he could read before he lost his eyesight. I heard the Spirit say, "Give this to Geoff". I opened the well-worn pages, turning to see places where my dad had written notes or underlined passages that meant something to him. Again, I heard the voice. But, there was a part of me that just didn't want to do it. I wanted to keep it. After all this was my dad's. And I was concerned that if I gave it to Geoff he would just chuck it in a corner and it would have no meaning.

I finished getting dressed and finally, the Spirit said, "Carol, give that to Geoff - it is a part of his heritage." In obedience, I went in and wrote a card out to Geoff and taped it to the front. I told him why I was giving it to him and that it would mean a great deal to his granddad that he had his Bible. I wrapped it up and took it downstairs.

Geoff was so appreciative of the gesture. He came in and personally thanked me for giving it to him and what it meant to have it. But, I thought at that time that would be the last I would hear of it.

Today, Geoff's mother-in-law shared with me that Geoff felt that the Bible made his birthday. He and Bethany are now reading it together. Oh how I praise God that His voice prompted me to give the Bible to Geoff. I have been praying for my son and his sweet wife. I long to see him walk in humility with God just as my dad did. I pray that this will be the beginning of a renewed walk with the Lord Jesus.

How I praise You, Father. There is no other explanation for what brought that gift to mind other than You. I place my trust in You for the ones that I hold dear. Thank You for Your love extended toward my son and the heritage of love for You that my dad extended toward me.


Anonymous said...

Carol, how beautiful is His love towards us and towards the ones we love dearly. His voice speaks clearly of how dear we are to Him.

Becky said...

I'm crying. Such a wonderful story, thank you for sharing. And I can't even describe how thankful I am to God that He is speaking to you--and I'm so glad you are listening.
Love you dearly friend.