Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Be All There


There is a song written by Jeremy Camp that really has spoken to my heart and challenged my thinking. It is called, “Keep Me in the Moment.”  One particular line struck me hard - “Help me live with my eyes wide open cause I don’t wanna miss what You have for me.” 

For those who have known me for many years you have likely heard me speak about how I wish I could live anywhere else but Camp Hill. It’s not that it isn’t lovely here, because it is. It is more that I just never felt I fit into the area. So I whined and I complained and I nagged about moving. But here I am.

Lately though as I have been thinking more and more about being “all there” wherever God has me I am finding myself more at peace and more settled with being here and not yearning for something more or something different. Paul wrote in the book of Philippians about contentment. In Philippians 4:11 he wrote “ Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content.”

There is just so much to be thankful for in whatever our present circumstances might be. But we have to be all there in order to see it, to experience it and to be joyful in it. Where was Paul when he wrote this? He was in prison, in a cold lonely cell. But he knew that by being thankful and recognizing his strength came from the Lord he could be content.

I don’t want to waste another day yearning for something else. I want to live with my eyes wide open to the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. And for me, right now, that is Camp Hill, PA.

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