Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Peace in the Valley

Recently, my husband David and I traveled up through the northern hills of Pennsylvania. While wending our way up through many of the beautiful state parks that grace our state I was reminded again and again about the variety of God's creation. There are hills and valleys, trees and barren fields, lakes, rivers and streams abound. How beautiful.

Like a reflection of life, creation cries out loudly of how marvelous our God is. Variety and choice. Each life is filled with hills and valleys. The hills can represent conquests or trials. The valley low points or peace. It is all in how we view it. Around each bend is an unknown.

We go through life always looking for what is around the corner or over the next hill. We seldom rest in the valley that God places us in. The valley is a place of peace. The hills that surround the valley protect the wanderer from the winds that blow. In the valley peace can be found. But it requires that we stop and look and think about what it is that God is trying to teach us. We worry way more about getting out of the valley more than concentrating on spending time with our Creator.

It seems that the valley experience of life is something we should be grateful for rather than always seeking to move on to higher ground. God in His own time will move us to the next place we are to dwell as we travel the road to Him.

1 comment:

Becky said...

That was beautifully written, friend. Did you go on your Harleys? People ask me a lot if I'm ok, you'd probably be worried if you saw me. I have a hard time finding clothes that fit anymore I'm so thin. The reality is I am dying in a way. But I truly believe it is the process: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally that all those who truly want to be sanctified are taken through by our Lord. And I can't tell you how amazed I am by what I have seen from God's hand, especially in the past couple weeks. I was feeling so hopeless, and the Lord has overwhelming reassured me of His call on my life and His guidance by the Spirit, and that when things often look most dire is when and what He uses to overwhelmingly conquer.
My last blog speaks of the blessing it is to forgive. To extend grace, fully, joyfully even, to one who hasn't even asked, and TRUST someone who has broken your trust time and again before they ever have the opportunity to earn it. What that means is that you say, no matter how many times you hurt me, I'm still going to love you, I'm still going to believe in you, I'm still going to breathe life into you,no matter how hard you fight me in it, because God is giving me the strength to do that.
You would think the person receiving that kind of forgiveness is the blessed one. But I think I've learned God's secret. The one forgiving in that way is the one most blessed. I truly believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive, and that my journey has been the greater blessing.
I love you friend, and continue to pray for me, my journey may be harder before it gets easier. But I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I've committed unto Him against that day.