Tuesday, September 09, 2008

An Unexpected Award and Friends

The other day I was blogging about being lonely. Isn't it amazing how God reaches down in extra-ordinary ways and brings people into our lives to let us know He understands our needs? I just think that is one of the best things about being His child. He knows - before I even ask.

My journey has taken me to enroll in a writing course. I do not really know where God is leading me in this but I feel strongly compelled to learn to write effectively so that I can share my story with others. Along the way, I "bumped" into a new friend, Heidi. Heidi is a part of the same writing guild that I now belong to and also is a blogger. You really should check her work out, "Moms, Ministry and More". She graciously read my blog and gave me this really neat award. It meant a great deal to me. Not so much that she liked my writing but that she felt connected to me through it. That really meant a lot.

Writing to me is a window to my soul. If you have followed my journey this past year or more (or if you have known me for awhile) you know that my soul has experienced tremendous sorrow as well as joy. My writing is my way of sharing the depths of that pain as well as the healing that God has done. To share that with someone new and to have them connect with me is an unexpected gift.

God is good. He has given me friends over the years who have stuck by me through the good times as well as the bad. And He continues to send new people into my life to bring new perspectives and challenges. I am so grateful to Him for hearing my prayer and filling my need. He is so good.

And so, I would encourage you to reach out to others in a new way. It may be through a blog post or maybe it is someone who is sitting in a pew in your church. There are a lot of lonely people out in our world who need an encouraging arm wrapped around them or a kind word spoken to them. Who knows - it may lead to a wonderful new friendship!

Heidi, thank you for this. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and acknowledge it. May God richly bless you and your family in your work and may your writing continue to inspire others to a closer walk with our Lord.


Terri Tiffany said...

I found you at Heidi's post and saw you are from Pa! Me too! I will be popping back to read more! be encouraged in your writing!!

Stonefox said...

Carol, this is a beautiful post. I am so humbled. And SO thankful that the Lord has "connected" us. He is just wonderful. I look forward to what He is going to do through your blogging and writing.

I amen Terri: be encouraged, friend!