Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Sweet Smelling Aroma

This past week my journey through the Scriptures has situated me in the book of Exodus. Sometimes, I have to admit reading through some of the Old Testament can leave me unmoved, unchanged. But, I have been challenged this time by the truths that God allowed me to see through the travels of the Israelites following their exodus from Egypt.

Here they were recipients of God's provision for their very lives. He saw them safely through the Red Sea as the army of Pharoah were in hot pursuit. He listened to their complaints in the desert when they cried out for food and water. He provided direction for them by day and night. He gave human leadership to guide them in the paths that they were to go. And yet, when they did not see Moses return from the mountain quickly enough, they turned their face away from God and pressured Aaron to create a golden calf that they bowed down in worship to.

God in His righteous anger expressed to Moses that He would destroy the Israelites and make of Moses a great nation. But, Moses pled their case and reminded God that by destroying the wandering host He would be mocked by the world around them. God relented to His desire to destroy them.

Over and over again, the Israelites would fall away in their sin and God would provide a way for them to atone for their wrong-doing. The sweet aroma of sacrifice is spoken about throughout the Old Testament. The very fragrance of penitent hearts seeking forgiveness would reach His nostrils. God in His great love forgave.

How like the Israelites I can be. It seems that I wander about unable at times to see the direction of the Lord or perhaps unwilling to yield to His Will. There are moments where I complain and question His goodness. In fact, whole years have passed where I turned my back on Him and choose to follow idols that brought nothing but death and destruction.

Only because of His great compassion and love for me am I still walking this earth. I have done nothing to deserve His goodness. But, I praise Him for the mercy that He continues to pour out on me. He has made me a sweet smelling aroma. On the altar of forgiveness through the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ, I stand redeemed. The Lord has poured on me the aroma of His love. He has poured on me the aroma of justification. And He has redeemed me from the penalty of my sin by the sweet fragrance of His sacrifice. God, the Father breathes the sweet smelling aroma of my repentant heart and grants me forgiveness.

Oh God, how I long to be an aroma poured out and spent for You. May others who come around me know Your great love through the fragrance that comes from a life that is free from sin and shame because of Your unending mercy and grace.

1 comment:

Jean said...

Carol, I too pray that His love that has so graciously rained down upon me will flow through me to others. As I read the old testament I am filled with awe and wonder of His unfailing love and compassion. Carol, I truly believe that through our pain, suffering and our "stains" we are able to love deeply as we have been loved by our Father.

Blessings and love to you.